Creleisha Moodley

Humanitas Graduate


  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 220 Hours

    May 2024

  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 100 hours

    April 2024

Contact me

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  • 0714422776


'If you take care of your mind, you take care of the world ~ Arianna Huffington

Hello, I am Creleisha Moodley.

With my experience of completing an undergraduate degree and honours in Psychology, I have learnt to remain grounded in compassion and authenticity as well as creating a foundation of empathy, and non-judgment. I provide a nurturing space where you can freely express your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of criticism.

🌟 My goal is to be there for you - to empower you to navigate life's challenges with a little bit more clarity.

Let’s create a space where healing is possible, and growth is inevitable.


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