Nondumiso Mpungose

Humanitas Graduate


  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 220 Hours

    May 2024

  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 100 hours

    April 2024

Contact me

  • not supplied
  • 0760765559

"Emotional wellbeing is just as important to us as breathing is." -Unknown


My name is Nondumiso. Counseling to me is about facilitating a warm, supportive and safe space for people to express themselves without any judgement.

I employ a Person-Centered Approach, which is a non-directive approach aiming at understanding the clients experiences from their own perspective and collaboratively exploring thoughts and feelings, ultimately enabling the client to find their own way to best move foward.

Through the counselling process, you can develop healthy coping mechanisms and skills to overcome challenges you are faced with and achieve your goals.

I'm looking forward to walking this journey with you.

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