Alexander Oberholzer

Humanitas Graduate

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  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 220 Hours

    December 2023

  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 100 Hours

    November 2023

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  • 0842090031

"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen" - Brenè Brown

In relation to another human being, we can allow ourselves to be acknowledged and healing can take place. My name is Alexander Oberholzer and being versed in the person-centred approach, I strive to create a space where individuals from all walks of life can come and be themselves in a safe, accepting and non-judgemental environment. People often feel like their lives carry little significance and that they might easily blur into the background, but here in counselling your voice matters and your story carries a significant amount weight. There exist almost no greater privilege for me than to be allowed to bear witness to individuals' narratives. 

I am an advocate for believing in the humans' incredible capacity to draw insight from their challenges and to integrate those experiences to being part of their stories from which they gain not only strength, but also self-compassion. At the same time, I advocate for receiving people where they are at any point in their life and just allowing for whatever is present, to just be there and to approach it with curiousity rather than judgement. 

A bit about myself, I am proficient in Afrikaans and English, I enjoy my cup of joe's, I like exclaiming the word: "Bean!" to small things (especially my small cat) and I truly look forward to growing with you.