Annanda Heck
Specialist Wellness Counsellor
Humanitas Graduate
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HUMANITAS Counselling Course
Certificate received for 220 Hours
January 2023
HUMANITAS Counselling Course
Certificate received for 100 Hours
November 2022
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Welkom! Ek is Annanda, en dit is vir my ‘n voorreg om myself voor te stel as ‘n berader en vrou wat passievol is daaroor om met individue, paartjies en tieners te werk. Ek volg ‘n holistiese benadering wat fokus op elke individu as ‘n unieke samevoeging van gees, siel en liggaam wat as ‘n funksionele eenheid moet kan funksioneer in ons uitdagende samelewing. As berader, is my belangrikste rol om voorkomend op te tree, daarom verleen ek ondersteuning en beplan ek noukeurig die benadering en toegepaste tegnieke volgens elkeen se unieke vereistes en doelwitte.
Ek het spesiale belangstelling in die volgende afdelings van berading:
- verhouding en voorhuwelikseberading
- huweliksherstel
- individuele berading
- trauma
- emosionele genesing en reguleering
- egskeidingsherstel
- tienerberading
- verlies herstel
- ouerskap leiding en ondersteuning
Ek werk vanuit 'n Christelike perspektief wanneer ek met paartjies werk in verhoudings, voorhuwelikse- en huweliksberading. Uitdagings word geindentifiseer en dan word daar prakties en sistematies gewerk deur verskeie relevante onderwerpe. Om die moedige stap te neem om hulp te soek, is reeds die eerste stap om te begin genees. Ons het almal die vermoë om te genees van ons emosionele wonde en uitdagings. Ek moedig jou dus aan om nie langer te wag nie, om te kom soos jy is en om jou sessie te bespreek om die reis te begin na jou genesing, herstel en om die gesondste weergawe van jouself te word!
For my English clients - I am passionate about equipping my clients with the tools they need to reach their full potential in life. I believe that in a world where brokenness is so prevalent, we can start the healing process, one step at a time, with true empathy and compassion. I aim to empower my clients to create space, balance, time, and strength to process and embrace their own needs. Therapy is therefore personalised according to each person's unique requirements and goals. I have extensive experience working with adults, teenagers and children who have experienced everything from your everyday challenges to severe loss and trauma. You can rest assured that no matter what challenge, issue or concern you bring to the counselling session, it will be managed with the utmost care and respect for your wellbeing. Taking the courageous step to seek help is already the first step to start healing. We all have the capacity to heal from our struggles and wounds. I therefore encourage you to not wait any longer, to come as you are and to book your session to start the journey towards your healing, restoration and becoming the healthiest version of yourself!