Caitlin Naiker

Humanitas Graduate


  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 220 Hours

    June 2024

  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 100 Hours

    March 2024

Contact me

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  • 0828205287

Hi! I'm Caitlin :)

I am passionate about working with people and have spent many years preparing to be a counsellor. My background is in education, entrepreneurship and psychology. 

I am a mama to a tiny toddler and so have a special interest in the journey of motherhood. I am in the midst of balancing my desire to be present for my family and follow my dreams to do good work in the world. 

I love working with people to help them reach their own personal sense of equilibrium and happiness. I too am in a long-term counselling process and have found it to be mindblowingly helpful to get me to reflect on my day to day life and reach towards more calm in my world. In fact, it was through my own personal counselling that led me back to becoming a counsellor myself!

The counselling journey is always interesting, sometimes painful, sometimes joyful, but ultimately fulfilling. I can't wait to walk your journey with you. 

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