Hulisani Makhavhu
Humanitas Graduate
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HUMANITAS Counselling Course
Certificate received for 220 Hours
January 2023
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Hello I’m Hulisani.
I enjoy and aspire to keep on helping people on the journey of becoming a better version of themselves and reaching their full potential.
Creating and holding a safe space for my client in session is a priority, so that they can express themselves freely.
I completed both my degrees at Sefako Makgatho Health sciences University (SMU) popularly known as “MEDUNSA” :
Postgraduate: BSc Honours in Psychology
Undergraduate: BSc in occupational and environmental health (majoring in Psychology and Human Physiology)
From a very young age I’ve always known that I wanted to work in this field, hence I started working closely with teachers and high school leaners while I was still in school.
Its very important and crucial to be actively involved in our communities especially in this world that we are living in, where we seem to be living under a microscope and we are judged on a daily basis. This puts a lot of pressure on our teenagers and young adults. I’m interested in working with both teenagers and young adults because I understand the pressures and challenges from the society and ourselves and how that can have a huge impact on our lives. One of my goals is to provide a safe and secure space for our adults, young adults and teenagers; another one of my goal and hope is to help people take control of their lives and provide them with necessary tools to do so.
I’m currently completing the HUMANITAS counselling course to gain more knowledge and experience in this field. With my knowledge and experience in both psychology and physiology I have an understanding of how our human mind works and what physiology factors affect/influence our brain function and with this knowledge and my capabilities I would like to help individuals understand themselves better.