Shanice Prinsloo
Humanitas Graduate
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HUMANITAS Counselling Course
Certificate received for 220 Hours
August 2023
HUMANITAS Counselling Course
Certificate received for 100 Hours
May 2023
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In 2022, I completed my Honours degree in Psychology at the
North-West University.
Thereafter, I decided it’s time for me to start gaining some
practical experience before pursuing my Master’s degree in
Clinical Psychology.
I am currently working to complete my practical
hours required for registration with the ASCHP.
I truly have a passion for helping people (especially children and
adolescents), and equipping them with the right tools to effectively
cope with the many ups and downs of life.
Fred Rogers, said: “When we can
talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less
upsetting, and less scary”.
Therefore, I believe that every individual, broken or not, can benefit
from counselling.