Zenique de Bruin
Humanitas Graduate
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HUMANITAS Counselling Course
Certificate received for 220 Hours
May 2023
HUMANITAS Counselling Course
Certificate received for 100 Hours
March 2023
How To Start And Run Your Own Counselling Practice
Certificate received for Completion
February 2023
Contact me
I am a highly motivated post Honours female student in Psychology, with strong interpersonal skills, a well-developed sense of empathy, and attention to detail.
Born out of my love for people is my very sociable nature.
All of the different experiences I have had in my life have ultimately shaped me into the person I am today. My endurance during difficult times, along with my willingness to be patient and persevere while facing obstacles makes me really unique.
I have a passion for children and teenagers. During my studies at NWU, I was fortunate enough to volunteer at a safe house for disadvantaged children and teenagers. It has given me the opportunity to explore and grow holistically and helped me to find and nurture my passion.
Assisting, helping, and supporting those in need of a listening ear is something I want to do for a lifetime.